“Come now, let us reason together…”

There’s nothing more refreshing than the solution to a tough problem.  And with that, there seems to be certain people who always have those solutions.  These sage-like individuals are who we visit when we have to decide between job opportunities, or a bank note is due and we don’t have the money, or our boss is making our life miserable.  These individuals may not know anything about the specific subject matter, but with only a brief introduction they navigate to the foundation of the problem and suggest reasonable answers.  

My dad was one of these wise individuals.  Many people looked to him for advice when they were plagued with problems.  So many times I went to him with complex, life-altering questions , and he would say “Chris the Lord says ‘come now let us reason together.'” We would then sit down and look at the data around the question and weigh out options. This process started me on a course that helped me to strip out emotion, look at the pure facts, and seek and accept the best answer.

So how do these seemingly natural counsellors gain this talent?  It’s not because they have seen the exact situations so many times that they just memorized the answer options. They don’t have any special knowledge or “know a guy” that will give them solutions.  They have a process of reasoning and it is universal and can be learned and practiced. 

My goal in this blog is to apply the process of reason to the challenging questions of life. I’ll not prescribe solutions, just offer reasoning that might help you find your own answer. Sometimes this process leads to more than one acceptable answer but other times we come to realize there is only one reasonable direction. Of course there are also plenty of examples where there are several bad choices and no good ones. But with this, we can learn to be objective and reasonable people, making the best decisions possible in tough situations. 

There is a lot of blog traffic out there. Why would someone read my material instead of someone else’s? One fellow pointed out that while I probably will not be able to say anything that hasn’t already been said, there are some people that will only hear me.  It’s worth considering that I, like everyone else, have a degree of influence.  I hope I can help you in some small way by sharing my thoughts on different subjects.